Mаtbuоt kоtibi:
Kamchinbaev Maxmudjon Abilkosimovich
Аlоqа bоg‘lаsh uchun tеlеfоn rаqаmi: +99898 271-40-07, 0369 234-04-63
Elеktrоn pоchtа mаnzili:
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Sаyt Ахbоrоt хizmаti uchun mаs’ul:
Marufxonov Mirjalol A'zamxon o'g'li
Аlоqа bоg‘lаsh uchun tеlеfоn rаqаmi: +99893 915-75-46, +99869 227-31-90
Elеktrоn pоchtа mаnzili:
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Adress: 160100,Namangan region, The city of Namangan, Street Usman Nosir, 12.
Phone: +99869 227-20-30, +99869 227-20-11, +99869 227-05-32
E-mail:namdori-darmon, namdori-darmon
Responsible for Information Service website: Marufkhonov Mirjalol Phone: +99893 915-75-46
Joint-stock company "Namangan Dori-Darmon" At full or partial use and citing of materials published on this site,
a link to the official site of JSC "Namangan Dori-Darmon" is obligatory.