Contests and announcements
Pharmaceutical manufacturer engaged in the activities of enterprises, firms and companies Attention: Hariri of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan region, rural health centers for the health department has announced a contest to purchase medical items centralized saosda. Competition in "Namangan Dori-Darmon" JSC took part in the event.
Competition fulfilling the following conditions, the volume of the tender related to the purchase of goods on the basis of experience in the supply of medical materials production enterprises and wholesale organizations can participate.
Tender Bids will be accepted within a period of one month from the date of publication.
Name and address of the working body of the tender commission:
Regional health department,
160103, Namangan city, street, the 10-house.
Phone: (0-369) 234-32-34, fax: (0-369) 234-03-94, 234-38-71
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Adress: 160100,Namangan region, The city of Namangan, Street Usman Nosir, 12.
Phone: +99869 227-20-30, +99869 227-20-11, +99869 227-05-32
E-mail:namdori-darmon, namdori-darmon
Responsible for Information Service website: Marufkhonov Mirjalol Phone: +99893 915-75-46
Joint-stock company "Namangan Dori-Darmon" At full or partial use and citing of materials published on this site,
a link to the official site of JSC "Namangan Dori-Darmon" is obligatory.