7-dorixona Pop tumani
Dorixona mudiri: Raximov Xayrullo Xabibilloevich
Adres: Pop tumani, Pop shaxar, Xazratibob kuchasi, 3-uy
Mobil: +99891 341-40-28
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ish vaqti: Dushanba-Shanba 08:00 dan 18:00 gacha
Dam olish: Yakshanba
Adress: 160100,Namangan region, The city of Namangan, Street Usman Nosir, 12.
Phone: +99869 227-20-30, +99869 227-20-11, +99869 227-05-32
E-mail:namdori-darmon @umail.uz, namdori-darmon @exat.uz
Responsible for Information Service website: Marufkhonov Mirjalol Phone: +99893 915-75-46
Joint-stock company "Namangan Dori-Darmon" At full or partial use and citing of materials published on this site,
a link to the official site of JSC "Namangan Dori-Darmon" is obligatory.