«Наманган Дори-Дармон» акционерное общество
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“Наманган Дори-дармон” объявляет конкурс на пост главного директора АО
Vacancies and Careers
The company currently has no vacancies
Career in AO « Namangan Dori-Darmon»
Advantages of work in JSC " Namangan Dori-Darmon"
- 1. Participation in economic transformations taking place in the republic.
- 2. Interesting work, opportunities for initiative and independence
- 3. High social status, stability in work, confidence in the future.
- 4. Stablesalary.
- 5. Good growth prospects, career development.
- 6. Training, professional development through training at various courses.
- 7. Good working conditions, providing a modernly equipped workplace, computer equipment.
- 8. Healthy climate in the work collective.
- 9. High level of social protection. Thesocialpackageincludes:
- • Monthlybonuses;
- • the pay for the incapacity for work;
- • Receiving additional funds for vacation to restore health;
- • providing children of employees with vouchers to children's recreational recreation areas;
• provision of agricultural products at a price below the market
Supervisory Board
The Inner Production
The Inner Production of Medicines in the Pharmacies of JSC “Namangan Dori-Darmon” download
Dividends payment
Information about dividends calculated and paid in the last 3 years
Indicators |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
Accrueddividends |
99 169 200 |
114 426 000 |
213 595 200 |
Paiddividends |
99 169 200 |
114 426 000 |
213 595 200 |
2015 Dividends payment download
2014 Dividends payment download
2013 Dividends payment download
The Inner Production of Medicines in the Pharmacies of JSC “Namangan Dori-Darmon”
The Inner Production of Medicines in the Pharmacies of JSC “Namangan Dori-Darmon” download
Еще статьи...
Адрес: 160100, Наманганская о., г. Наманган, ул. Усман Насыр, д. 12
Телефон: +99869 227-20-30, +99869 227-20-11, +99869 227-05-32
E-mail: namdori-darmon @umail.uz, namdori-darmon @exat.uz
Ответственный за Информационной службой сайта: Маруфхонов Миржалол Аъзамхон угли Тел: +99893 915-75-76
Акционерная общество “Наманган Дори-Дармон” При полном или частичном использовании и цитировании материалов,
опубликованных на данном сайте, ссылка на официальный сайт АО “Наманган Дори-Дармон ” обязательна.