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It was found approximately a decade later in 2020 in Wyoming by an anonymous treasure hunter later revealed to be former journalist and medical student Jack Stuef. When I found out theres essentially a documentary, a great one right here in East Texas waiting to be put out there, I was just excited to try to do everything I could to make that happen, he commented. 151 0 obj Barnie Waldrop. The team, known as the "Temple Twelve," have been . brought up to the surface. Jimmy Carters Peanut-and-Egg Taco Made Quite the Impression on San Antonians, How Florence ButtNot Her SonLaunched the H-E-B Empire, The Top 50 Texas BBQ Joints: 2021 Edition, Saying Goodbye to Fairfield Lake State Park. Agent Hendricks | National Treasure Wiki | Fandom On an 1863 map of the area, it was named Flanagan Lake but since the 1880s has been known by its present name. Treasures revealed as California drought drains lakes When we were looking through the story and seeing some of the characters that got interested in it, seeing some of the nations most prominent treasure hunters getting interested in the story, the story being picked up by some of the largest magazines and news outlets across the country in the 50s and 60s, seeing involvement from one of the worlds most famous psychicsits an incredible story, Roper noted. An historian named Herbert Bolton, using the original journals of the Mexicans from the eighteenth century, found what is now known as the Boyd shaft on Honey Creek. Barnie Waldrop, a Carthage television repairman, had used his own electronics to search the lake for years. HISTORY Channel at Hendricks Lake: The Rest of the Story They say this inspired them to reach out to other treasure hunters and hear their stories. In 2018, we decided to renew the legend with some information of our own. True Believers: Treasure Hunters at Hendricks Lake There are many stories about famed pirate Jean Lafitte, but one places his lost buried treasure at the bottom of a lake right here in East Texas. When researching Trammels Trace for my last book, I encountered the treasure legend of Hendricks Lake. In the early 1820s, Great Colombia under the government of Simon Bolivar had begun commissioning former privateers as officers in their newly formed navy. Laffite was wounded in the battle and is believed to have died just after dawn. The Fenn Treasure was a cache of gold and jewels that Forrest Fenn, an art dealer and author from Santa Fe, New Mexico, hid in the Rocky Mountains of the United States. The People This lake has its dangers, of course. endobj The Lost Padre Mine Somewhere in the Franklin Mountains overlooking the Rio Grande River in El Paso County is the Lost Padre Mine. Christian knows his pirate history! One group proposed to use a new divining rod activated with isotopes. PRIME turn-key restaurant is a landmark of Fort Laud(Former Ernie's BBQ). 2018 Sunken Silver. Follow the link to read our updated Privacy Policy. 10 Lost Treasures in America Waiting to be Found. The mud is deep on the bottom, and just as So all these treasure magazines sprung around these treasure hunting, metal detectors, stories about lost mines. Read More about USS Hatteras, This is a funny little slot filled with intricate features and attention-grabbing symbols. Forrest Fenn, a New Mexican art dealer, revealed on Sunday that his famed treasure was found, according to a post on his website that he confirmed to NBC News. endobj There was an error processing your request. An estimated $340 million., And as I write, the treasure hunters are out there, hunting, hunting, and hunting. Stella Wieser was a reporter at the Panola Watchman from June 2018 to April 2022. Whether the treasure is truly out there or not remains to be proven. Just another myth? She was then forgotten for nearly 300 years. Hobe Sound. The Curse of Civil War Gold - The HISTORY Channel Pinkerton spent time in Carthage recently talking to those with accounts of some of the treasure hunters, and he hopes to connect with more people who have Hendricks Lake stories to tell. H-E-Bs True Texas BBQ Restaurant Is Slipping, West Texans Are Learning What It Means to Live in Bear Country. A Book by Gary L. Pinkerton, author of "Trammel's Trace". Continue Reading. By 1829, the mythical lost silver mine of San Saba began appearing on Austins maps of Texas. Beyond Oak Island Episode 2 Summary: Wild West Gold and the Search at Robbers Roost Canyon for Butch Cassidys Lost Treasure, All can be found to have a questing theme within them, Third Annual Masquerade Tribute of Hunts for Charity, The Second Annual Masquerade Tribute Wrap Up, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and Affiliate Disclosure. 0000001390 00000 n IXK\!%X[CQq tfI&JA PAefQj$9k,HmN}) n1jXb#,L5N_T U7VOn'u[^cW c{*`!+?@6rJQ|n ;fr4a}_OM%)t0 HUn>>IudFn _IXEvFmoj8!~X!HL: Hughes Springs up in Cass County was founded by two brothers looking for a treasure in the 1850s or 60s. . There are two legends in particular that seem to have found purchase in the minds of East Texas treasure hunters. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents(United States History Commons)/Rect[137.2383 228.9906 279.5625 240.7094]/StructParent 6/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> None of (the rest) lines up, but 1860s, 1870s, there was enough yada yada to create some story.. One person who is still committed to the Hendricks Lake legend is Jacksonville documentary film maker and treasure hunter, Christian B. Roper. It certainly had promise since it was a round piece of wood, like the legend of the wagon sunk in the lake. What I like most about the lake is that, it just contains this feel when you go out there and you see the Spanish moss hanging on the trees, you feel like youve gone back in time, Roper said. 0000002304 00000 n According to a story by Mary Roger of the Fort Worth Star Telegram, the silver was indeed robbed from a galleon by Laffite and his mean in the early 19th century. But theres just been this very persistent legend, and so in the late 50s, mid 60s, there were two really big efforts (to locate the treasure), tons of articles in the Watchman about these two different groups searching for it, dredging.. The 1907 theft included the removal of a diamond star, pendant, and the collars of five knights of the Order. A TV repairman. The silver was never recovered. This book is the story of those people. Every dollar helps. Did the infamous privateer Jean Laffite steal a $2 million fortune in silver from a Spanish galleon and bury it in the Sabine River near the East Texas town Sabine? There are people who spend their whole lives and considerable sums of money searching for sunken treasure ships, lost mines, and hidden loot. The first episode premiered on Tuesday November 17 at 10PM EST on the History Channel. Paul Uncle Fox Tatum, son of the founder of Tatum, Texas, carried out the first documented attempt to recover the treasure in 1884. 155 0 obj In attempting to honor what he perceives to be Fenn's wishes . Xi-vrcjVJO%X *hve~os)&pZl0nuUH;M%\,iB!N7;B`h Y2?SXx#l};(5-Sj\Ji6Y|f>>`}j8 C=H: =.p0=*y pGOF30.#yZeY92Hq{IjFhaftP[Ch[&P"(D3CSP+ )Q- $NNBeX"Ld_kUB'`Y%e8re%R 0aHd$0=~^nbY:pK/DQxE8"Sh5Y=9'wXJ9'.m*?%YTAcM>W*N7852@ZyV|>}c(&fZXBtzq]uF4A1*i This catch rendered a lot of attention and by 1884, the Sabine River was riddled with silver hunters. My father did do a bit of treasure hunting and more notably he was involved in a few treasure hunting circles of scuba divers. LAKE ISABELLA, Calif . Two years later, its researchers went on a mapping expedition with the . When the Embargo Act of 1807 came into force, the Laffite brothers moved their business from New Orleans to an island in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. though. By The Siberian Times reporter. Historian Gary Pinkerton says the legend is mostly unsubstantiated. Joe spent many hours growing up around Milzie Williamson and later used his Fisher M-Scope metal detector to search those mysterious holes. endobj Roper himself had first heard the legend when he was a young boy and has returned to it intermittently throughout his life. So, he set up these steam engines and buckets on a conveyor belt and pumps. Spanish silver stolen by the privateer, Jean Lafitte. including dialogue . They then filled in the shaft. He built a new kind of sewing machine, and in 1851 he started I.M. Now, more modern equipment was available, and one man used a metal detector and managed to get some interesting readings from the bottom of the lake. He frequently returned to Galveston or the barrier islands near New Orleans to unload booty or take on supplies procured by Pierre., Stolen treasure, hidden mystery: Tatum-area lake lore focus of movie project. He knows more than a thing or two about the present . Brackston has been on board about 12 of those months. On his visits to Hendricks Lake with his son, they got a hit and brought a diver along to search the bottom. The real story of Hendricks Lake is not the legend alone, it is about the people who believed it fervently enough to put their time and money on the line in the hope of recovering it. Somewhere with access to treasure-laden vessels, open coast, and trails and waterways to transport stolen goods. Author explores area silver legend - Secret stash of tsar's gold worth billions found in old rail tunnel After years of searching, Roper is still optimistic, and he said that his commitment to Hendricks Lake will still be there no matter what he finds. Most of the cobs or old Spanish finds I've seen on the forum are either from Florida or the Upper East Cost. Winds light and variable. . Singer & Co., which was renamed the Singer Manufacturing Company in 1865. They know its there. Signup today for our free newsletter, Especially Texan. January 2023 Reader Quiz: What Did You Learn? Oxbow lakes result from a river's course change, in this case the Sabine River just to thc north. hunt presented by Christian, Rick and Marty offer to send Matty Blake down to :icon_scratch: Thanks, Ernie Waldrop believed this man had many treasure secrets, but he was a well-known fraud. But alas, nothing came of it. Although hes fascinated by the legend and the excitement it created, Pinkerton doesnt believe its even a little bit true. From the first searches in the 1880s to the large scale efforts of the 1950s and 1960s, its story has . <> Texas State Historical Association (TSHA) Hendricks Lake is an oxbow lake one and one-half miles south of the Sabine River and about four miles northeast of Tatum in Rusk County, Texas (32.371864N, 94.493190W). <>stream The legends a legend, but the people that believed it and the effort they went through to actually find it despite obvious questions about the details, Pinkerton stated. By using deep-sea sonar technology that can pierce the thick mud and clay at the bottom of the lake, Roper said he may have found a cart or wagon that might have moved treasure to the lake. When I was seven years old, we were at Athens Scuba Park owned by Calvin Wilcher and he was the one who told me the story, Roper explained.We were sitting in this dive store and Calvin just says, Hey, have you heard the story of pirate treasure in East Texas? At seven years old Im just going to find that extremely interesting. The location was later widely believed to be Hendricks Lake, an oxbow lake formation on the south side of the Sabine River. Ho-hum, right? Lake Hendricks - Iowa DNR Hendricks Lake was the sight of many treasure hunts over the course of the 20th century. endobj He bought some steam engines and pumps, had a months worth of logs to keep the steam engines going and was gonna drain the lake. Winds light and variable.. While Pinkerton believes the lake area should be a park, the reality is Hendricks Lake is no longer accessible by the public as the land surrounding it belongs to private land owners or is being leased by mining companies. Little Cypress Creek, north of Gilmer, is the site where legend says a cache of Mexican coinage was dumped, according to A Brief History of Upshur County a history book published in 1946. No matter what, I come to believe throughout professional research or diving, I will always associate it with Jean Lafitte, with treasure, with piracy because its meant so much to the community, Roper said. The stories of treasure have been around for a long time, Pinkerton said. Success! The legend says that in 1816, Laffite and his fellow pirates plundered six wagon loads worth of silver from the Spanish. The enduring story of Hendricks Lake is a treasure legend that has been around for more than 150 years. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Contents( \n h t t p s : / / s c h o l a r w o r k s . When a producer for The History Channel contacted me in early summer, the legend was about to add a new chapter to the story.The Lagina brothers of Oak Island fame were beginning a new series, Beyond Oak Island, and the story of Hendricks Lake was the premiere episode on November 17, 2020. So read this, get up, and go after your pot of gold. After getting some readings at the bottom of the lake (Hendricks Lake), two Dallas oilmen actually brought in a giant crane and attached a drag bucket to the cable. Although it hasnt yet been decided if the film will first be released at festivals and then to the public, Sunken Silver will eventually be available through online streaming. Famous privateer who, according to legend, plundered the silver from the Spanish brig, Santa Rosa. There are two legends in particular that seem to have found purchase in the minds of East Texas treasure hunters. Its hard to find any newspaper before that, but thats the first and oldest mention that I found of it, he said. His main focus is on Jean Lafittes treasure, Born to an American mother and English father in Knoxville, Tennessee, Hendricks was raised in Portland, Oregon, and Twin Falls, Idaho, where she became active in local theater. When one of the recent landowners near the lake sold their property to the mining company, they inserted a treasure clause that reserves the rights to one-half of any treasure trove found on the Property by Purchaser. There will always be true believers in the treasure legend of Hendricks Lake. Fort Pierce. I always thought it was interesting that people had reason to believe there was pirate treasure 200 miles from the coast.. He had heard about the Trace from his dad as a portion of it runs through family land. endobj Not one of them found any of the reported treasure, but that never prevented the next person from trying. March 11 Saturday Daylight Wasting C-tier . | MLS# A11347652 1843 S Federal Hwy , Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 We'll send you a couple of emails per month, filled with fascinating history facts that you can share with your friends. A huge battle ensued between the two groups near what is now known as Tyler. Little is known about his origins, but he was probably born either in Basque-France or in the French colony Saint-Domingue. Our new Privacy Policy will go into effect on January 1st, 2023. They both were at the lake during the treasure hunts of 1957 and 1958. Many believe the body of water concealing the silver to be Hendricks Lake near Tatum, although other places have also been examined. "My father and his friends shared the Hendricks Lake treasure legend with me when I was very young, perhaps 6 or 7 years old," Roper said. Id met his daughter, who when she was 12, they let her push the plunger on the dynamite to blow up the bottom of the lake.. His body was buried at sea in the Gulf of Honduras. Akins and one of his former deputies were landowners along the lake and active onlookers with a piece of the action. TV repairman in Carthage who kept up his efforts for years and was the local expert. Blackbeard and the mysterious unsolved code of Olivier Levassuer, or The Buzzard, are mentioned. Oak Island Treasure Found May 18, 2021 - YouTube View Tracy Y Hendricks results in Arlington Heights, IL including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. 161 0 obj The same thing is true for the Paradise Cove Lodge down California 178. In one Internet posting, I read the following: Texas has more buried treasure than any other state, with 229 sites within the states borders. endobj Houston oilmen who conducted the largest search ever attempted in 1957-1958. During the investigation, Roper found Gary Pinkertons book, We met with Gary in January and we had no clue about his book coming out, we just knew that he was kind of the expert on this trace, this route that had been taken in the story by this group of smugglers carrying all the silver, Roper said.